Ambu solved global compliance issues with our centralized marketing production

Ambu’s concern: Multiple agencies for Instructions For Use

As the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the broth. By using different marketing agencies in separate countries for Instructions For Use (IFU), global medical tech innovator Ambu found themselves in this exact situation. In working with multiple vendors, Ambu suffered a range of issues, from workflow stoppages to difficulties tracking projects, but most importantly for an international medical company, compliance problems. With time-frames lagging and costs mounting, Ambu needed to leave a multi-vendor approach behind.

Our solution: Centralise & automate

In 2016, The Color Club became Ambu’s single production partner for IFU, working with them to build a strategy centring around automation and our customised Brand Management System. As a result of introducing our system, Ambu could seamlessly collaborate across multiple international offices and, with transparent, automated workflows, produce more timely and accurate IFU.

Since Ambu worked across numerous language markets, we also integrated LanguageWire into our BMS. Ambu now had a straightforward process to translate any project into 27 different languages, from medical instructions to informative leaflets. This greatly reduced margin for error and improved Ambu’s global compliance, accelerating the delivery of Ambu’s products to healthcare professionals and patients worldwide.

Faster time to market & improved compliance

With The Color Club, Ambu happily left behind the frustrations caused by multiple agencies and centralised production of IFU with a single, dedicated, technologically advanced marketing partner. As a result, Ambu could focus on bringing its innovative healthcare products to market fast and continue to save people’s lives.

Key Results


Different languages
producing IFUs


Global offices
working with UK, China,
and Denmark


Instruction For Use
produced since 2021


Other assets produced
including datasheets,
drawings, packaging,
and guides

Interactive brochures

Design system

Instructional layout

Medical illustration